clinton hill 1 clinton hill house
Did anyone else notice that Aguayo & Huebener has dropped the price of Tuesday’s House of the Day to $995,000 from $1,060,000? Oh, and looks like yesterday’s Windsor Terrace house has been marked down $100K to $1,600,000 too.
House of the Day: Clinton Hill Brick [Brownstoner]
Enchanting Gem [Aguayo & Huebener]
House of the Day: A Lot for That Muffler [Brownstoner]

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  1. Whatever. It’s all personal perference. I like walking over to Smith Street from my house in Brooklyn Heights, but I definitely prefer living in my area. Of course, that means absolutely nothing to you, dear reader. Which is true of all issues of personal taste. Do you prefer Clinton Hill over Brooklyn Heights? If you do, then I hope that you live in CH and not in BH. Otherwise, you’re not living your life to the fullest. Go ahead and be daring — get those things that you value more highly.

  2. I think restaurants in Clinton and Fort Green are one of the best in whole Brooklyn, they have vibe. And commercial streets are not so crap out with useless stuff like 7 av in PS or Smith Street.

    Other think i like about CH its diversity, you can not say it about Cobble Hill.

  3. “Clinton Hill, sir, you are no Brooklyn Heights.”

    …and would never aspire to be–Clinton hill is WAY cooler, more diverse, more edgy, more hip…

    Prices in CH have gone up way too fast–and continue to escalate at the speed of light. Blame the realtors–and the buyers.

    The neighborhood definitely has a lot of catching up to do in terms of schools, restaurants, shops, bars, crime prevention and basic services, but it will get there.

    Brooklyn Heights is fine, but we got the flava

  4. Ch is expensive true.
    But it does not compare to BH. In CH you can buy 5 story, mint condition, great details in the best street (Clinton or Washington) for around 1.8. I don’t think you 1.8 would take you that far in BH.

    Also CH is definitely cooler, but it is a personal feel.