371 Hancock Gets Its (Reduced) Price
After two price reductions (from $1.1 million to $995,000 in the early summer and another to $935,000 in August), the detail-icious brownstone at 371 Hancock Street finally sold for $931,500 in November, according to Property Shark. This flies in the face of some of the comments that were made in August like “Still overpriced…It moves…
After two price reductions (from $1.1 million to $995,000 in the early summer and another to $935,000 in August), the detail-icious brownstone at 371 Hancock Street finally sold for $931,500 in November, according to Property Shark. This flies in the face of some of the comments that were made in August like “Still overpriced…It moves at $850K tops” and “Many more appealing properties to pay close to a million for in the area.” Quite of vote of confidence for The Stuy!
371 Hancock Street SOLD [Corcoran] GMAP P*Shark
Brownstone Breakfast: Price Cut on Hancock [Brownstoner]
HOTD: 371 Hancock Street [Brownstoner]
Hey NewStoner-
How about Petit Bassam, Solomon’s Porch, Brooks Valley, Bread Stuy, Food4Thought, Shakoor’s Sweet Tooth, etc. (not to mention the mysterious space on Macon & Stuyvesant… anyone know anything about what’s happening there?)
…and as far as all the blah blah blah about whether things are “coming up” in BedStuy and what it’s “worth”, they obviously are coming up and the neighborhood is “worth it”.
If you saw the neighborhood 6 years ago, you wouldn’t recognize it now… or to illustrate my point, how many of you out there remember Williamsburg back when Diner was the only “decent” restaurant out there?
Can Someone tell me what the Idiot @ 2:53 is talking about??
Cry me a river.
Haters come in all flavors.
To anon 12:23 pm
You can call it white supremacy, racism, etc – whatever you want but only in the black community do they look down upon anyone who does better then everyone else and calls them whitey wannabe
AMEN! 1:36
To the 3 million dollar hater,
Tisk tisk Isnt it a shame that you cant just crack open your walls and take out some of that juicy equity without going through the motions?
I’m pretty sure the home you’re claiming was once in a neighborhood that was crime ridden.
So at this point there’s no need to spread the hate kindly spread the good news 😛
white supremacy. we really need to stop calling stuff “racism” because that word is far too vague. white supremacy nails it.
Anon 11:52 – AKA HATER,
There have been several houses (on that block even) that have sold for over $900K.
So what’s your issue? Who cares if you own a $3MM house? The point is you speak in a condescending tone in regards to this neighborhood.
Not necessary. To call someone an IDIOT? There’s a slim chance that YOU yourself could be the idiot for intent and purposes.
Keep your whack, hateful comments to yourself. You were probably one of the oringal posters back in October screaming that the place wouldn’t sell for over $750K. And now that it has, you want to call the purchaser an idiot.
How do you know there weren’t multiple offers? How do you know that there weren’t a couple of potential buyers that maybe couldn’t get the financing done?
You don’t. So just keep your trap shut.
I turned off the computer for the day and got attacked over and over!
Dear 4:29, I, the hated author of the 11:36 comments, own a brownstone worth at least 3 mill, so I could theoretically buy 3 of these houses. People who try to negate comments by questioning the poster’s motives are truly pathetic.
Why do you pathetic people think that any comment about the market makes the poster a “hater”? I like Bed Stuy. I don’t think this sale reflects the current market. There’s a big difference.
One sale tells you what one person thinks the market is. Multiple bids or a series of similar sales tells you about the market. Many houses sell way over market because one buyer fell in love. When 4 similar houses sell in this price range or above, then you can all sing and dance.