Don't Miss the Boat! It's Whale- and Dolphin-Watching Season in the Rockaways
Of course, nobody wants to sleep with the fish, but it is fun to check them out in their natural habitat for a few hours every now and then. Summer is whale- and dolphin-watching season in Queens, and American Princess Cruises offers four-hour trips from the Rockaways through local waterways to observe the marine ecosystem as…

Of course, nobody wants to sleep with the fish, but it is fun to check them out in their natural habitat for a few hours every now and then. Summer is whale- and dolphin-watching season in Queens, and American Princess Cruises offers four-hour trips from the Rockaways through local waterways to observe the marine ecosystem as well as seabirds, turtles, seals and other aquatic creatures…and hopefully spot a whale or dolphin. According to the Coastal Research and Education Society of Long Island, about 25 whale species — including fin, humpback, and sperm — and bottlenose dolphins swim in New York City and Long Island waters during the warm weather months.
Details: Whale and Dolphin Watching, Riis Landing, Rockaway Point Boulevard at Heinzelman Road, Breezy Point, now through August with special trips during the fall, usually noon to 4 pm, $45 for adults/$35 for seniors/$25 for children.
Top photo: Jim Licato; bottom photos: American Princess Cruises
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