The Sunnyside Gardens area of Sunnyside is known for the large, beautiful trees that line its streets. Unfortunately, Hurricane Sandy found many of these trees last night and they were ripped out at the roots, wreaking havoc on cars, sidewalks, and yards. Most homeowners got lucky, though, and did not see any damage from the fallen trunks and branches.

On 47th Street, two huge trees and a lamppost lay across the road.


Between 47th and 48th Streets, a tree went down in someone’s backyard, and yanked the square edge of the yard up with it. 


Several parked cars were crushed, windshields shattered.


And entire panels of the sidewalk that were once under the trees’ roots, were pried up dramatically on 48th and 47th Streets.


Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer has said that many big trees came down in other parts of Sunnyside and Woodside, including at Big Six Towers and Woodside Houses.

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