
Image source: Times Ledger

The Times Ledger reports that NYC is giving CUNY $71 million for much-needed repairs to colleges in the system. This big chunk of change is part of NYC’s 2013 fiscal year budget. New York State is also giving them $71 million, so the city’s college system is the recipient of a total of $142 million between the two entities. The money will be distributed throughout the system over the next four years.

So what kind of improvements will be made? The money will not go toward building new wings or buildings. It will, however pay for basic things like replacing fire alarm systems and windows. More specifically:

-LIC’s LaGuardia Community College’s Center 3 building will get a new facade and windows to make it more energy-efficient. This building is 100 years old, and currently houses their business incubator. LaGuardia may also become the site of a new hotel for the CUNY Hospitality Program, but that would be paid for by alternative sources.

-Bayside’s Queensborough Community College will get a new roof, and the theater will be transitioned to be ADA compliant. A new elevator, more ramps, and upgrades to the stage and restrooms are part of the plan.

Kingsborough, Borough of Manhattan, Bronx and Hostos community colleges will also see improvements made.

In the words of City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, “We have to make sure our buildings have the foundation they need.”

City gets $71M for CUNY [Times Ledger]

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