
The Long Island City Partnership seeks to expand its Business Improvement District, reports LIC Post. The current boundaries of the BID are pictured above. According to the Post, “the expansion would incorporate the Vernon Blvd commercial corridor — from Jackson Avenue through 44h Drive. It would also cover all of Jackson Avenue — connecting to the existing BID in Court Square.” As the BID works, the included businesses pay a fee in exchange for sanitation services, landscaping, marketing and the like.

The LIC Partnership wants business owners in the proposed area to decide whether or not to sign on. Business and property owners already set up a steering committee and held two meetings on the matter, which have been positive. The BID expansion is still a year away, as it’ll take at least nine months between the time the final plan is submitted to the city and final approvals.

LIC Business Improvement District Likely to Get a Whole Lot Bigger [LIC Post]

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