Long Island City: Building Bonanza on Horizon
Regular readers may have noticed that our attention occasionally drifts to our neighbor to the North. We think this is justified by the fact that, of all the boroughs, Queens is probably the most comparable and viable alternative for most Brooklynites, both in terms of affordability and ambience. So we were interested to read in…
Regular readers may have noticed that our attention occasionally drifts to our neighbor to the North. We think this is justified by the fact that, of all the boroughs, Queens is probably the most comparable and viable alternative for most Brooklynites, both in terms of affordability and ambience. So we were interested to read in one of the many Metros that littered our subway station this morning that 25 new buildings are slated to rise in Long Island City over the next 5 years. Seems like a lot for the neighborhood whose ascent has been predicted for the last 25 years but has never quite materialized. Maybe it’s time has come.
Long Island City: Ready to Boom [Metro, page 19]
Queens: The New Brooklyn [The Real Deal]
hard to believe that they’re going to be able to pull off that construction in 5 years. it took 20 years to build the two extant buildings in queens west now.
check out http://www.therealdeal.net/issues/June_2005/1117823896.php
for details on what’s going on in Queens, it’s a very detailed look at all the neighborhoods and the development going on.