Image source: Sue Yacka via City Spoonful

As those on twitter know, the signal to noise ratio can be pretty astounding at times (thank goodness for the list feature). So the fact that any particular twitter stream would catch the eye of the Village Voice is pretty impressive – enter Suzanne Yacka, aka @tastoriaqueens, one of the most compelling voices on twitter regarding Queens food – mostly, but not limited to, Astoria and LIC. She effortlessly tweets about restaurants, street vendors, and shops – all things food in Queens, enticing food lovers both inside and out of the borough to come and enjoy all the deliciousness that Queens has to offer.

The Voice interviewed her last week and asked her a bunch of questions about her love of food and favorite places to eat (“the ones I went to with my girlfriend when we were first dating”), what makes Astoria stand out (“Astoria’s tremendous diversity… a neighborhood that has offered resistance to the purging of its people, traditions, and history in favor of what’s trendy and new”), and how to become a neighborhood food expert (“try new things”), among other things. No matter where you are living in NYC, her guidelines will help you, too, become an expert in your own neighborhood.

Suzanne is constantly recommending great places to eat, sings the praises of her favorite spots in the neighborhood, and engages regularly with her twitter community. Follow her on twitter at @tastoriaqueens.

Q&A: Suzanne Yacka, Astoria Foodie, Dishes on How to Become a Go-To Neighborhood Eatery Expert [Village Voice]

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