
The Avengers, Spider-Man, Madagascar 3, Brave, The Dark Knight Rises… If there’s anything the summer movie blockbusters have taught us, it is that the allure of animation and comic books is still alive and well. Here are some events happening this week in Queens that focus on our favorite animated heroes and heroines:

Gotham League Comic Book Club Meeting – Comic book lovers of Queens: assemble. Bring your favorite comics and get together with other like-minded folk at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, July 30 at Waltz Astoria. This unassuming but beautiful coffee/wine bar becomes a haven for comic book aficionados every Monday night. So, for a relaxing Monday night where you can chat comics—you now know where to go.

“Found Waldo” Party – Where’s Waldo? Well, on Tuesday, July 31, you’ll certainly find out. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Martin Handford’s famous children’s book character, Waldo, 20 local small-businesses in Astoria and Long Island City had come together in July to organize a scavenger hunt to find the eponymous character right here in Queens. The month-long pursuit for the bespectacled hero will mark its completion with a party at 3.30 p.m. on Tuesday at the babyNOIR Boutique in Astoria. Besides music, refreshments and the drawing of winners, the party will also have City Council Member Peter F. Vallone, Jr. regaling everyone present with a special story-telling session.

Kung Fu Panda 2: Free Screening at Elmhurst Park – Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan may have been the ones who brought kung fu to common parlance, but it was a fat, lazy panda that endeared us more to the Chinese martial art. On Wednesday, August 4, come re-visit the exploits of Po at a special, free outdoor screening of Kung Fu Panda 2 at 7.30 p.m. in Elmhurst Park in Queens. Featuring the voices of Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Gary Oldman, Dustin Hoffman and other stalwarts, this movie promises to be great entertainment not just for the kids, but for the adults too.

So, get your comic quotient on by checking out any of the above events—let us know what you thought of them in the comments below!

For a full listing of events this weeks, check our events calendar here.

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