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Demolition is coming soon for the complex of buildings that make up the Domino Sugar Refinery on the Williamsburg waterfront, Bedford + Bowery reported. Site developer Two Trees has received demo permits for multiple buildings at 2 Grand Street and 314 Kent Avenue. The main refinery building, the old one by the Williamsburg bridge, is landmarked. Two Trees will restore it and turn the interior into office space. The demo will probably take place in September, said Two Trees Director of Special Projects Dave Lombino. “We need to demolish some of the buildings now in order to be able to start work on the quarter-mile long waterfront bulkhead,” he said. “The bulkhead is a significant piece of work that needs to happen before any parkland or buildings are constructed west of Kent Avenue many months down the road.” The first building set to go up is on the site of Havermeyer Park at Kent and South 3rd. Half of the building’s 660 units will be affordable, the story said. Bedford + Bowery also quoted documentary maker Megan Sperry as saying Two Trees should not “rush into” demolition before the uniform land review process concludes.

Domino Gets Approvals For Demo: Tear-Down Should Start Next Month [Bedford + Bowery]

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