The hoopla over an adult toy store opening in notoriously kid-obsessed Park Slope has died down, but a tipster sent in this photo of a kid enjoying the selection at Toys in Babeland (yes, apparently that is some sort of, um, toy in his hand). Perhaps something to fuel the debate in the current presidential race about sex education?

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  1. That’s what our kids need–more sex ed, less moral outrage. It is bracing to see that we’re finally getting the little ones the value-neutral learning they need at an appropriate age, before their young minds can be twisted by concepts like privacy, dignity, chastity, and commitment. Give ’em all a banana and a condom and let the cartoons begin!

  2. mimilacious, from what posts above are you sensing “moral outrage”? I would guess, with the exception of puppycup’s post, all the other comments, including mine, were made in jest. Please ‘splain.

  3. I am an employee of Babeland Brooklyn, was working when this picture was taken, and can confirm that this is in fact the child of Babeland’s owner.

    Regardless of the fact that this kid has a legitimate reason to be in the store, the claim that exposure to anything sexual will inherently harm a child is ridiculous- we should be focusing on sexual education rather than moral outrage.

  4. 100% agree PS gets an unfair beatdown by ppl who probably who dont actually hang out there enough (i live there). and if they do hang there and complain, why are they effing hanging there?!!!

    (now i need chamomile tea)

  5. Actually, you’re right, goldie. I meant to say “country’s priorities are in the toilet.” Whether the country is in the toilet or not is contingent primarily upon who you ask and what their political/idiological inclinations are.

    Re-reading the comments, I have to agree, I may have over-reacted. Though the whole beating down on Park Slope is really getting old and annoying. I guess I’m just a little pissed off this morning in general – must up my medication.

  6. wow, easy there heckofajobbrownie. i didnt sense much moral outrage here about the kid being in the store or holding a toy. maybe a little concern. there’s more anger possibly at brats running around uncontrolled.

    country in the toilet? really? wow, you havent traveled much (or read a paper, or turned on tv…)