WNYC reports on 2010 Census findings about same-sex couples, noting that the Slope’s gay/lesbian mix is unique: “gay male couples make up 60 percent of the same-sex couples in the city. However, exceptions exist, namely in parts of Park Slope, Brooklyn, where lesbian couples outnumbered gay male couples.” The story says the city recorded a 27 percent increase in the number of same-sex couples in the past decade.
Census Shows Rising Numbers of Gay Couples and Dominicans in New York {WNYC]

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  1. Well unless the ones I see in PS found Ponce de Leon’s magical fountain…alot have moved here since the 80’s as well.
    I know it goes against the whole [false] narrative that: “PS isnt good/cool anymore because all the “interesting” people moved out because it got too expensive….”
    but the place has a HUGE and visible lesbian community.