baluchis.1108.jpgApparently today is the day, folks. Indian cuisine foodies are welcoming an outpost of Baluchi’s to Fifth Avenue between Second and Third Streets, which blogs like Gowanus Lounge have been watching since construction started a year ago. We’ve heard the dish kachori (“too difficult to explain but recommended”) is very good.

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  1. I agree with 11217 – This is great news for park slope. This new addition strengthens 5th avenue’s name as resturant row. Its a great new addition that im sure will succeed. I plan on visiting the place this weekend with the wife to check it out.

    Also glad to hear that the vacent commercial spaces have been rented. Nothing worse then a landlord sticking to his $10,000 per month demand in rent while the economy is suffering like never before. Vacant stores lead to decreased foot traffic which in return deminish the value of the commercial space.

  2. Well, goldie, I’ll check it out and report next week (are you Indian? have you checked it out? are there *any* good Indian restaurants in PS?)

    “too difficult to explain.” Duh. It’s called “marketing hype”. The only thing hard about kachori is that it’s a regional term used for many different “tapas” type dishes. But no secret stuff. I won’t hold it against them.

  3. “There was a Baluchi’s on Smith Street, I think. It disappeared.”

    Yes, there was, it closed. I didn’t mind it. It wasn’t as good at Mitali East used to be, but it was better than the really yucky one near Bergen/Dean – for sure.

    Does anyone remember Gaylord’s on 1st Avenue near 6th? Man, I miss that. It was the nicest, and the best Indian food in NYC.

  4. “is it me, or do most indian restaurants’ menus have that one item that is “too difficult to explain?””

    Perhaps, but this place actually has “too difficult to explain” written on the menu under the item.

    My explanation? Its delicious and I could eat 6 of them if they all fit into my stomach. Damn those are good.

    Its difficult to explain…