Check out Holly Northrop’s atmospheric slide show of Green-wood Cemetery in this week’s Village Voice. Eerie.
Cut Stone at Green-Wood Cemetery [Village Voice]

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  1. Appologies to Anon at 1:59. I am the poster at 12:03. I use a plastic Holga, plastic Noreo 3-D and Horizon 202 panorama to take pics around Brooklyn. Would recommend any of these for pics of the area. I love the effects on all these cameras and didn’t mean that those were not artistic tools. I just didn’t think that the photos were that great. I’ve seen much better of similiar subject and similar effect. My opinion.

  2. Lots of photographers do like to use the Holga. I’m a professional photographer and I enjoy taking my Holga out from time to time. It beats digital!

  3. Very Nice photos,I also love taking photos in Green-Wood. But nothing a high school student with a plastic Holga camera- which will produce similar moody effects – taking a first year photo course couldn’t do. Shame on Village Voice for publishing these as some sort of high artistic endeavor.