kentee1007.jpgThe Kensington blog has selected finalists for its neighborhood t-shirt logo contest. Shockingly, some early favorites (“What happens in Golden Farm stays in Golden Farm” and “When did London steal our name?”) didn’t make the cut. There are still tough choices to be made, though. Here are the top five so far:

  1. The parents here are only just beginning to get annoying.
  2. Peace in the Middle East =’s 11218
  3. Where S.T.D. means booze
  4. Just blocks from the Ocean… Parkway
  5. Kensington (Brooklyn), where there’s a Mosque on Church (Avenue)

What’s your fave?
Kensington T-Shirt Redux [Kensington]

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  1. 10:05, 9:02 here. I would think that the temple on Marlborough is in Prospect Park South being on the south side of Church Ave. The masjid being on the north side of Church I guess would be in Caton Park. I live in the micro nabe of Beverley Square West. I think the names, which were not thought up recently by realtors but the original names of these micro nabes are all really cute. I just call all of it Victorian Flatbush which if you think about it, Victorian would not be correct either because. The Victorian era had come to end by the time most of these homes were built. I think Queen Victoria died in 1900 and the majority of the homes were built between 1901 and 1904. We could call the area Edwardian Flatbush after King Edward who follwed his mother Victoria on the throne but that would just start another ruckus.

  2. 9:02, I was about to make that same point. Leading us, yet again, into that old territory – what exactly is that neighborhood called? Is it part of Caton Park?

  3. There are actually two masjids (mosques) and two synagogues on Church Avenue. The others are not technically Kensington being on Church between Stratford & Westminster and Marlborough and Rugby respectively.

  4. i heard the t-shirt contest has been rigged. there’s a lot of behind the scenes politics going on and the winner was decided early on.

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