Guttman Continues to Game the System
One of Brooklyn’s least favorite developers is living up to his rep when it comes to making improvements at the site of one of the largest fires in recent city history. Yesterday Joshua Guttman received another extension—this one until mid-April—in the criminal negligence case that was brought against him over the Greenpoint Terminal Market fire,…

One of Brooklyn’s least favorite developers is living up to his rep when it comes to making improvements at the site of one of the largest fires in recent city history. Yesterday Joshua Guttman received another extension—this one until mid-April—in the criminal negligence case that was brought against him over the Greenpoint Terminal Market fire, according to the Brooklyn Eagle. Guttman, who faces 434 counts of Failure to Maintain Privately Owned Waterfront Property, is being given the stay so that he can bring the sprawling, burnt-out property up to code. The developer has applied for permits with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to fix the many outstanding problems, but he has yet to make improvements to the site’s decrepit piers and bulkheads. Some local residents aren’t holding their breath. I would be surprised if we got to April and those things were done, said Evan Thies, environmental chair for Community Board 1. Simply saying ‘let’s wait five months’ is naïve. Naive, indeed. Why does the city keep cutting this guy slack?
Hearings Continue in Case of Greenpoint Terminal Market [Brooklyn Eagle]
Guttman Stiffs City, Lives to Build Another Day [Brownstoner]
Photo by Vidiot.
Brooklyn Eagle: “Judge Toko Serita, who granted an adjournment of the case at the request of prosecutor Richard Farrell, Monday granted another stay until mid-April. At the hearing, Farrell said that the Guttman family was keeping him updated on progress with the property.”
Now,read this baised post:
“Guttman ‘Continues to Game’ the System”
Yesterday Joshua ‘Guttman received’ another extension—this one until mid-April—in the criminal negligence case that was brought against him over the Greenpoint Terminal Market fire, according to the Brooklyn Eagle.
Its nothing wrong, if this poster would just read, the postponement was from the goverment side not guttman, and the headline is guttman plays …….
As always, in brownstoner blog vendetta vs guttman.
Why did you need to make up stuff?
My god, what the hell is wrong with the city?!