LIRR Station All Dressed Up
Looks like it’s finishing touches time for the LIRR station at Atlantic and Flatbush (the original, reports Gowanus Lounge, was razed in the 80s to make way for the 2004 Atlantic Center project now attached to this glass wall). The ongoing construction has made navigating the area on foot even more perilous than usual, though…

Looks like it’s finishing touches time for the LIRR station at Atlantic and Flatbush (the original, reports Gowanus Lounge, was razed in the 80s to make way for the 2004 Atlantic Center project now attached to this glass wall). The ongoing construction has made navigating the area on foot even more perilous than usual, though solutions to the pedestrian crossing quagmire are being considered. It’s starting to look more like the rendering every day.
The area around Lincoln Center has seen a 9% decline in prices.
I love the way it looks. I liver nearby in Fort Greene and use this entrance to commute to the city. This are will get better and better. This is one are of Brooklyn that I can safely say will surely improve and property values will follow. This is Brooklyn’s version of Lincoln Center.
I think the pyramids went up faster. This took so long I forgot what it was. I thought it was an addition to the mall.
Let’s hope light is one of the interior components. That has to be the worst commuter station I’ve ever seen anywhere.
I saw it, g man. I only hope it works.
Chick’, see the other thread about recent pedestrian improvements in this area.
Finally. What a mess for the last 10 years.
Wow. It actually looks… nice. Pleasant even. Will it stil be a Dark Hole of Doom on the inside?
The pedestrian hazards at this intersection and the ones near it cannot be underestimated, though. Is there no thought about a bridge?
yeah that’s hideous. it looks like a beta fish fishbowl. nyc seriously SERIOUSLY needs to get it’s priorities in order when it comes to these kinds of projects now. nix the stupid stadiums (tho i guess they are almost done), the dumb bike lanes, the mini parks in the middle of highways, trite crap like the waterfalls (i know that was supposedly privately funded but i have my doubts), etc. work on the things that actually MATTER. focus on the fluff when there’s people not starving to death, losing their homes, and the cost of living shooting up 10x than what it was 2 years ago.
SLOWEST PROJECT EVER. 6 years and counting — for that?