
Brooklyn Councilwoman Tish James, who is running for public advocate, has withdrawn her name from a lawsuit against the City Point development, Crain’s reported. The switch came hours before a planned Wednesday afternoon protest against James for “failing to support her constituents and the jobs they were hoped to get building City Point and later working in the residential and retail complex on the former site of the Albee Square Mall,” the story said. But community group FUREE and the ironworkers and mason tenders unions have also demonstrated against the project. The lawsuit is from a group of unions who charge the development is paying wages lower than union wages. “In light of the good faith efforts that have been made to address my concerns surrounding City Point — including committing to the completion of any remaining phases of the project by 2020, utilization of union workers, affordable and market rate living spaces, office space, and job opportunities for the residents and workers of downtown Brooklyn — I am proud to lend my support to the development,” James said in a statement.

Pol Drops Opposition to Big Brooklyn Project [Crain’s]

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  1. Well said Brook.

    Tish is one of the few politicians I have patience for and will give the benefit of the doubt to, when she changes her stance on things – SOMETHING SHE RARELY DOES.

    She did not sellout to Ratner’s AY project.

    She did not sellout to the mayor’s 3rd term bid.

    She got rid of that ugly barrier at AY mall.

    Hope she wins !!!