This is pure rumor at this point, so take it with a grain of salt, but it’s coming in through credible enough sources that we’re gonna run with it. We’re hearing that the Queen of All Media herself, Oprah, is buying the penthouse in the Williamsburg Bank building, aka One Hanson Place. Everyone associated with the project is saying “no comment” but we hear that the word’s been buzzing around the brokerage community in recent weeks. Can any little birdies out there shed any light onto this one? Update: We just heard from the developer (who was unreachable yesterday) and he’s saying this rumor is news to him, so it looks like The Big O is staying put on Lake Shore Drive for the time being.
A Tweak and a Trim at One Hanson Place [Brownstoner] GMAP
One Hanson Breaks 50 Percent Barrier [Brownstoner]

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  1. Everybody just chill. it’s a gorgeous landmark building that is going to be truly beautiful. Other celebs live all over NYC; why not Brooklyn. And PS, she’ll probably be there 1-2 times per year on the way back from Africa, Hawaii or Chicago or from a $5000 brow-waxing joint. Yes, I do know way too much about Oprah in a freakish way.

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