DeNiro Filming in Clinton Hill
We just got word that Robert Deniro’s latest flick, an insider take on the CIA called The Good Shepard, has been filming on the streets of Clinton Hill (Gates and Clinton to be exact). Did anyone happen to take any pictures? Wonder whether he’s using the sound stages at the Navy Yard too? The Good…
We just got word that Robert Deniro’s latest flick, an insider take on the CIA called The Good Shepard, has been filming on the streets of Clinton Hill (Gates and Clinton to be exact). Did anyone happen to take any pictures? Wonder whether he’s using the sound stages at the Navy Yard too?
The Good Shepard [IMDB]
I just found this blog by accident and thought I’d chime in. I’m a Location Manager living in Ft. Greene.
The previous responses are correct: You’re not charged for your car being relocated and the Location Manager, Parking Coordinator and Local Precinct all get a list detailing which cars are moved from what spot TO what spot, i.e. Blue Mazda/ plate number xxx-xxx moved from in front of such and such address to in front of such and such other address.
If the production is not using the city’s Vehicle Towing Unit, the rules are that they have to post NO PARKING a minimum of 24 hours before coning off the spaces or before there is a street cleaning day (whichever is longer), so that everyone parking on the block is guaranteed to see the signs.
If the production IS towing cars they have to post the street 48 hours in advance.
As a rule, we try to post resident letters with as much advance notice as possible, but, yes, sometimes our schedule changes abruptly due to weather or other things.
The vast majority of neighborhoods are fairly accommodating as long as they get reasonable notice that we’re coming.
What areas are being most heavily used for film and commercial shoots? I know Brooklyn Heights was popular because of its views of the City, but have more crews further into Brooklyn?
<> — what a joke. Sorry you can’t afford a car — enjoy your Schwinn and your subway ride. While you’re biking, look at all the store windows and see if you can’t buy yourself a freakin’ life while you’re pedaling.
To anon who made the previous comment —
you are completely ridiculous. Go buy a cabin in the woods deep in the northwest and bill yourself Unabomber 2.
Just because you have a driveway doesn’t mean you aren’t destroying the environment, creating road rage, generating noise pollution, etc. If you live in a brownstone neighborhood you should take the subway, end of story.
Me too!
That’s why we bought ahouse with a DRIVEWAY!
My experience with ZipCar ( has been wonderful. You go online to rent a car by the hour and you pick it up from a neighborhood parking garage. For those of you who use a car less than, say, twice a week, I’m sure it’s cheaper than buying your own. It’s certainly better for the environment and relieving street congestion.
Film production boosts the New York economy tremendously as one of the largest industries in the city. They tow your car for free to another nearby parking spot they find for you. Signs go up with as many hours notice as possible. Generally, they can’t give more notice because productions often don’t know until the day before where they will be shooting the next day. It depends on the weather forecasts and whether a scene calls for sun or rain and also whether or not they finish shooting at the previous day’s location. And most film production people live in Brooklyn or New Jersey, not Manhattan.