pizza shopWe’ve gotten word that the slew of mom-and-pop shops in the large building at the Southeast corner of Court and Schermerhorn will soon be replaced by a bank branch–no word which one yet. If that indeed turns out to be true, folks looking for an ATM in the area will be doubly blessed: The Daily News is reporting that, after 35 years of slinging dough, Nick and Joe’s Pizzeria across Court Street between Schermerhorn and Livingston is closing shop to make way for a Chase Bank. Gee, we were hoping for another Duane Reade.
Bank Takes Over Pizza Shop [NY Daily News]

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  1. Queen is still open and Zap wines isn’t going anywhere either. The only spaces affected by the bank are the car service (which moved out weeks ago), bakery, the insurance place (which is nmoving into the old video-rental place), nail salon, and presumably the dry cleaner and barber shop (tho I don’t know the last two for a fact) but since the build out is starting with the car service I don’t see how they could build around them

  2. I’m shocked- 2 threads regarding my old street in one day on B’stoner. I lived on Schermerhorn betw Court and Boerum for over 20 years and I saw a lot of changes. COurt St. has come so far it’s unbelievable. Don’t see why anyone objects to those little stores- most have been there forever and I know I was pleased when the corner deli/bakery opened up since there were open 24/7. Made it a little nicer when I walked home late at night to see them open. Court St has something for everyone and a lot of those businesses are good viable businesses so what’s to object to?

    Nick and Joes used to have a little upstairs eating area. They would get packed at lunchtime but I have to say I liked My Little Pizzeria better, and Queen used to rule.Zap is the photo store. Oddly enough there are long stretches of COurt St. where there were no ATMs other than the little bodega ones. Chase’s corner ATM is always busy and not kept up well, so often I would use the Wash. Mut on the corner one block up.

  3. Is there anything you wont blame Ratner for Babs??
    Try RTFA, then you could learn why Nick and Joes closed.
    Sad cause they are nice guys but My Little is MUCH better and if you want to walk Fascati (Henry St) is the best of all.

    Personally I have no idea why these banks need so many retail locations – other than ATMs (which could be located in other stores like Chase does with Rite Aid) what actually generates $ at a retail location? – Do people actual walk into a bank for loans etc…?

  4. Geez, what a bunch of snobs. You don’t want a movie theater, a Barnes and Nobles or any fast food. And to hell with the mom and pop stores. Get real- Court Street is a commerical area.

  5. Geez, what a bunch of snobs. You don’t want a movie theater, a Barnes and Nobles or any fast food. And to hell with the mom and pop stores. Get real- Court Street is a commerical area.

  6. Anonymous 12:35, it seems like Babs was more upset by the kids in the pizza place, than by Bruce Ratner.

    I didn’t know he built the multiplex, which I don’t think is a bad thing, overall, it’s just incredibly ugly. I can’t imagine what the architect was thinking, I remember when they were building it, and recoiling in horror with friends. It did replace a porno theatre and a bunch of sleazy stores, abd I do appreciate a decent place to see a movie and I also hate to admit it, but I do do my share to keep Barnes and Noble alive and well.

  7. Wow, babs, your post above was quite a stretch, even by your histrionic standards. What’s next, blame Ratner’s grandparents for having sex, which resulted in the birth of his father, who should be faulted for having sex, which resulted in his own birth? How about blaming Ratner’s gradeschool teacher for showing him how to read, which enabled him to learn all about being a developer?

    All in the name of pizza…

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