Today on the Renovation Blog: Bedroom Framing
Couple more posts up on the Renovation blog, including this one of the rear of the Basement where the bedroom of the rental apartment will be. Also, today’s the big day when we see whether our contractor can actually haul the vintage porcelain tub we found in Stamford up two flights of stair. The sucker…
Couple more posts up on the Renovation blog, including this one of the rear of the Basement where the bedroom of the rental apartment will be. Also, today’s the big day when we see whether our contractor can actually haul the vintage porcelain tub we found in Stamford up two flights of stair. The sucker is heavy. We’re giving it even odds at this point.
Garden Bedroom Framed [Renovation Blog]
He could use a lift and bring it in through the window?
I’ll put a fiver on the contractor. My guess is that he comes up with a clever physics solution that only contractors seem to know.