We’ve taken down the entire ceiling in the living room, leaving only the medallion and an old light fixture. Now we need some advice. Come join us on the Renovation blog today and tell us whether you’d keep an overhead light or not.
Overhead Lighting? [Renovation Blog]

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  1. Yes! You need overhead lighting.
    1. Wiring is key and you might want a light there one day.
    2. I have a brownstone too, and the living room is DARK. Overhead lighting, combined with ambient lighting, is necessary. It just shouldn’t be your sole source of light. The ghastly shadows mentioned here can be allieviated with the right wattage, bulbs, fixtures, and other ambient lighting.

  2. if you really want an obnoxious opinion, i think overhead lighting is horrifying and only meant for dining rooms and kitchens. the medallion is beautiful. if the ceilings are high enough, a simple fan might be cool. otherwise, wire your lamps to the lightswitch and leave it alone.