Salvager: Original Balusters for Sale
Speaking of salvage…We’re not sure they’re still available, but over the weekend someone posted a set of twenty cast iron balusters for sale. Originally from the stoop of a Brooklyn brownstone, the balusters at 25 inches high and are either $50 or $150, depending on the finish. Cast Iron Balusters for Sale [Craigslist]
Speaking of salvage…We’re not sure they’re still available, but over the weekend someone posted a set of twenty cast iron balusters for sale. Originally from the stoop of a Brooklyn brownstone, the balusters at 25 inches high and are either $50 or $150, depending on the finish.
Cast Iron Balusters for Sale [Craigslist]
while on this topic, does anyone know a good place to find an original Pre-War bathroom sink? my building was built in 1935. the toilet and tub are a shade of orange. the sink was replaced at some point with a hideous pink thing.