Salvaged Mantel for Sale on Craigslist
We wanted to make sure that everyone saw this fireplace that is being offered on Craigslist for $1,000. The scavengers at Apartment Therapy highlighted it yesterday, so we don’t know if it’s still available, but $1,000 is about a good a price as you find for this type of thing. If this one’s gone, Build…
We wanted to make sure that everyone saw this fireplace that is being offered on Craigslist for $1,000. The scavengers at Apartment Therapy highlighted it yesterday, so we don’t know if it’s still available, but $1,000 is about a good a price as you find for this type of thing. If this one’s gone, Build It Green may still have one left for
the same price.
Antique Fireplace Mantel [Craigslist]
Scavenger [Apartment Therapy]
Two Marble Fireplaces for Sale at BIG [Brownstoner]
What period do you think this fireplace is from?