When 18-20 Jackson Place collapsed last Wednesday, the day’s historic storm was just the straw that broke the camel’s back. According to area residents, the building’s owner, Mark Zeldin, had been neglecting the three-family walk-up since purchasing the property back in 2005. In fact, even DOB cast a vote of no confidence when it wouldn’t let Zeldin tear the remains of the collapsed building himself, insisting instead that HPD oversee the job (on Zeldin’s dime, of course). (Zeldin had wanted to use perennial buildings code violator MMG for the demo.) After a rain delay over the weekend—and the discovery of hazardous materials on Monday—HPD’s subconstractors Russo Wrecking finished up the demo yesterday. Now comes the interesting part: How hard will DOB come down on Zeldin? Will he just get to pay for the demo and move on? Will DEP go after him for asbestos contamination of the community? We’ll be watching closely. On the jump, a play-by-play timeline of the events since last Wednesday’s collapse, complete with photos. Let us know if we’ve missed anything.
18 Jackson Place Collapse: Before and After [Brownstoner] GMAP
A Rough 24 Hours in Brooklyn [Brownstoner]


August 8
-Collapse of 18-20 Jackson Place at 1:05PM
-Owner of 22 Jackson (adjacent to the left) calls in to 911/311/CB7
-FDNY/72nd Pct/DOB/CB7 work together to secure site
-DOB determines site emergency state, issues vacate order to 22 Jackson
-Brooklyn DOB Commissioner orders emergency demo of 18-20 Jackson

August 9
-Developer and MMG appear on site to do “emergency demo,” HPD sends them to DOB
-DOB says HPD is to do emergency demo
-DOB issues vacate order to 16 Jackson, partial vacate (front apartments) of 19 Jackson
-In afternoon, HPD sub-contractor Russo Wreckers secures site and begins demo around 8pm
-Work continues until midnight, demo is called off due to rain

August 10
-HPD gets to 2nd story rafters, sends debris off for testing to DEP
-HPD calls off demo, deemed “unsafe due to rain”
-DOB lifts vacate order on 16 Jackson, partial lift of vacate order of 22 Jackson for the weekend

August 13
-HPD begins demo again, supposedly only a “half-day job”
-DEP shows up, asbestos test were positive for roof, demo ceased
-Hazmat area set up at 18-20 Jackson Place for removal of roof debris
-Hazmat finished

August 14
-HPD continues partial demo and removal of debris from site. 90% complete
-Vacate order lifted on 22 Jackson
-Water proofing and inspection of 22 Jackson

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  1. As someone who witnessed most of this, I do have to take my hat off to the FDNY, 72nd precinct, DOB, HPD and DEP on their response time and follow through. I do agree with the above post that the owner should be thrown in jail for criminal negligence, amoungst other things. Very glad that all the families are back in their homes and thank God no one was hurt, just nerves rattled.

  2. This guy Zeldin ought to have his ass handed to him by DOB, HPD and DEP on his way to the slammer.

    While I know there are ways for the residents to go after him in civil court, is there any criminal action they can pursue?