Today’s House & Home article on a woman who decorated her house in Connecticut almost exclusively with items found on Craigslist got us wondering what kind of success our readers have had with home-related purchases on Craigslist. Personally, we have used it more for services (like finding a man with a van), though we did almost buy an entire kitchen from a woman on the Upper West Side last year. So, how about it? What are the biggest scores you’ve gotten on Craigslist?
Craig Is My Decorator [NY Times]

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  1. I scored a hugh beautiful asian-style armoire built by a North Carolina boutique for $500. The original ask was a very reasonable $1000 but I told the seller all I had was $500 and he said ok! My online research suggests a minimum $2500 replacement value.

  2. I also got a 10×18 beautiful off-white and yellow wool rug for $150. The people who sold it said they paid $7500 15 years ago. It fits perfectly in our parlor and matches our color scheme too. It’s Kismet I tell you….

  3. i heart craigslist and check it obsessively throughout the day (almost as often as brownstoner). I have gotten so many incredible deals, I could have written the article myself.

    Coincidentally, we bought that kitchen on the UWS that brownstoner mentioned, it was definitely a score. We got the whole kit and caboodle for 5K: stainless appliances (Sub-Zero fridge, Bosch dishwasher, Kitchen-Aid stove) Maytag Neptune washer and dryer, Waterworks farm sink, Waterworks faucet, unpolished granite countertops and farmhouse-style cabinets. My husband removed it all and we had movers take it away. The people who sold it to us were incredibly nice.

    Our contractor said that it was worth at least 25K. Now we’re saving our pennies to be able to afford to install it.

    I also bought a Miele vacuum and Duravit toaster this week. Both in like new condition from people who were moving back to Europe. They can’t use the appliances there anyway, so I got them each for less than 1/2 price.

    This summer I bought an antique farm table and a chandelier for our backyard for pennies on the dollar. The best part is you can shop at work–don’t tell my boss!

  4. I think Craigslist is great! Some poor sucker sold me full set of 1960’s round pink pavers and a couple of antique whiskey barrels for a song. Clearly she had no appreciation of their beauty, utility and value. I almost felt guilty driving away with them.

  5. and for the record my apartment doesn’t look like the one pictured. this is clearly an example of craigslist abuse lol. diana, this is one of those people you were referring to who will buy anything!

  6. okay I’m the craigslist guru I think I could have been in this article as well. practically everything in my apartment is from craigslist with the exception of a lamp and rug.
    I bought:
    my couch for less than half price (100 originally 250),
    my side tables and coffee table (55 for all originally 200),
    my bed frame (200 orginally 350),
    my pull-out sofa (150 originally 350)
    AND my mattress, new of course from some store under conway in downtown bk (300 originally 700).
    not to mention I found the place I live on craigslist. to say I LOVE craigslist would be a understatement. if you a savvy shopper you can find amazing stuff on there from people just like you and I who need stuff and need to get rid of stuff. the best thing about it is that in NY people move around a lot and because places are so small you can have a beautifully furnished apt and move somewhere where none of it fits. that’s when I come in! my stuff is all IKEA of course but for those of us who are fiscally responsible and looking to save a penny where we can for reasonable furnishings i can’t see why not. I used to think it was flooded with college kids (which is why I spent most time on there during college) but I’m not even in college anymore and I STILL live on there so I guess not.