Don’t miss the most recent installment of Forgotten NY. Kevin posted two new pieces yesterday. The first is on Coney Island, a place which loses more and more of its historic treasures every year, according to Kevin. We look forward to his next Coney Island installment in which he promises to focus on the oft-overlooked architectural gems, like the house above.

LampThe second feature is on New York’s lamp posts, or as Kevin calls them, “vaguely anthropomorphic utility poles”. Interestingly, Kevin’s obsession with New York City lamp posts dates back to his childhood in Brooklyn and was the catalyst for the website itself. Our favorite is this one in front of a bank on Hillside Avenue. Be sure to check the Forgotten NY website for information about walking tours aroung the five boroughs.
Coney on My Mind [Forgotten NY]
NY’s Craziest Lamp Posts [Forgotten NY]

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