Seems Brooklyn Heights wasn’t picture perfect enough for the Coen Brothers. The duo is shooting “Burn After Reading” on State Street between Clinton and Court over the next few weeks, and a production crew has painted the facades of a couple buildings red, blue and yellow, and is adding ornamental details to a couple others. A worker said the buildings are being transformed in order to approximate the look of a Georgetown street for the flick, which stars George Clooney, Brad Pitt and John Malkovich. The worker also told us the buildings are going to be washed off after filming wraps since “this is a historic district and all.”
“Burn After Reading” [IMDB] GMAP


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  1. IT WAS NOT A WASH-OFF PAINT!!!!!!! The three colors that were painted for the movie were painted in a normal, exterior house paint; not some Hollywood washable paint.

    The building has now been re-painted with high quality Benjamin Moore exterior latex paint. I know – – I live there. Now will all of you who DON’T know what you are talking about please stop writing in about this.

    The movie people were wonderful to deal with and repainted the entire side of the building. They left both sides of State Street better than they found it.

  2. Can anyone tell me what the filming schedule/streets are for Thurs night, Oct 4th? I am supposed to be driving into that area and am worried about what I’m going to be running into. Thanks

  3. I would go further.

    What the Coen Brothers are doing is more than an insult to our neighborhood. It is the shame of the nation. And unless we speak out, NO AMERICAN will be safe from George Clooney’s roguish good looks–which displace families, uproot communities, and destroy entire shrubberies.

    What’s really funny, though, is the fake door. The local mosque left some literature for the occupant (a brick wall, normally painted a uniform red). “A couple buildings” is actually just one.

  4. Have you people never heard of watercolors? Do you think this is the first time this has been done on a set? Who on earth would let someone paint their building with latex or oil-based paints. I guarantee you that they used watercolors, which, by definition, wash off with WATER! Relax whistleblowers.

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