Deck Questions

Hello! Two questions about a potential back deck:

1. If backyard does not go back a full 30 feet can we still have a deck that is 8 ft deep? If no, can you point me to exactly why? Our house is a single family house in case it matters.
2. If the deck is made of steel, can decking that does not come within 3 ft of the property line include wood or must the whole thing be noncombustible if one side of the deck is at the line (the other is 3 ft away).

Thanks in advance for your help!


in General Discussion 3 months ago



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michaelhanson | 3 months ago

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Hi, Windyt – – a few thoughts on your questions:

1 – if your yard is 30′ deep, then you will be able to build a deck a maximum of 8′ off the rea wall of your building. But if it’s LESS than 30′ (sounds like the case), then it’s les likely – less than 30′ is an “existing noncompliance”, and the deck would be making that worse. Not necessarily impossible, but unlikely

2 – combustible materials need to be 3′ away from all property lines – both sides

Hope this helps!