I want to run a string of Christmas lights along the roof line of the house. Is the any pointers how to attach light there? Screw in screws from the front side of the house?

The plan is to connect lights via the extension cord which will go to the room outlet next to the window AC unit. Is the any fire issue I could expect?

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  1. You might want to wrap the plug in plastic & also raise it off the roof & put some kind of box over it.

  2. thanks everybody for comments. I put lights up. I did not want to drill anything in the roof. So instead I put sandbags on the roof and attached lights to sandbags. The questions about fire code arose from the fact that I will have an outlet of the extension cord on the combustible roof covered with water/melted snow. And the extension cord is protected only by the 15A breaker in the basement.

    And yes, I used LED white lights. The blue-ish hew reminds me light of starts on cold crispy night in Northern Russia. They also remind decoration around Roppongi hirosu. I do not care about energy saving that much.

  3. you may consider checking in with a few neighbors, especially the ones next door to you. as long as long as what you choose is tasteful (and safe), your neighbors and LPC will be on your side. also, i would not use duct tape.

  4. BGreene, no, they run on the same voltage, ie 110, that all Xmas lights do. They use less power, so lower amperage. Safety is typically not an issue since they all have fuses built in which will blow if there’s a short.

    The LPC comment would not be a joke if LPC hears about this ;).

  5. I wouldn’t use hooks because the stings might easily blow out of them…maybe duct tape is best. Sounds like a lot of work. The LED lights might be safer because the run on very low voltage I think…No?

    But why not skip that fuss and just put up some nice window and door decorations? And if you go for some that are inside the glass (do you a front door with glass?), the decorations won’t get knocked around so much.

    Have fun!

  6. and dont use those energy effience LED lights. they are lame and depressing looking.
