
Does anyone have a tin ceiling out there? or has put one in recently? What type of lighting did you opt-in for?

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  1. Track lighting matching the ceiling color, run along the pattern dividing lines is preferred by those “in the know.” Track is back.

  2. I put in a big, plain globe which looks really nice — non traditional, but it doesn’t compete with the already crazy ornate details. They’re nice but I needed some relief.

  3. We have a new tin ceiling in our kitchen (tin pattern isn’t large) and we have cans along with pendant lights. You need a lot of light in a kitchen so both really work. The small cans are painted to match the tin and blend right in…

  4. It would look funny to have recessed can lights, but any early 20th century style lighting or (if your house is older) retrofitted gas lights should work — choose the same height and width as you would with any plaster ceiling. The thing is, as Bob says, it’s difficult to move the location of the fixtures if you change your mind later.

  5. We have a central lıght fıxture, a c.1910 mıssıon-style fıxture over the table, and (not mounted on the ceılıng) c. 1910–20 goose neck lamps, on top of our Hooser cabınets, servıng as task lıghtıng.

    Placement of the boxes for the permanent fıxtures ıs crucıal as movıng them would requıre a dıffıcult repaır job on the tın ceılıng.