Next door to our coop building is a privately owned townhouse. One of the family members (the 20-something son) sits on the stoop multiple times per day smoking pot. I wouldn’t care except that somehow the air circulates in such a way that a lot of the smoke comes into our building’s foyer and stairway (somehow being sucked through the mail slot or cracks around the door). The smell is really intense. Jokes aside, it’s getting old trying to dodge my kids’ questions about the funny “cigarrette” smell all the time.
The problem is that the family in question is not one that you would feel comfortable asking for them to go inside. Hostility and/or vandalism would likely result. They probably don’t want to admit their kid is doing this. The question is, if we were to call the local precinct, is there anything they would actually do? Can they arrest someone for possesion of a small amount of pot on their private property?
BTW, this is not about white gentrifiers complaining about the local poor people — these neighbors are white, pre-gentrification Park Slopers.


  1. Tell your kids the truth .
    Give the neighbor the benefit of the doubt and approach him.Half the time when we approach folks in a judgemental manner we will get back aggression. When we are matter of fact and respectful we may be pleasantly surprised at the response.

    I was in a corner bodega waiting on a rather long line and some guy behind me was smoking (which apparently the owner allows) .SInce I was going to have to either leave or wait a while since the line wasn’t moving, I turned to him and asked him to please put it out.He was about 6′-0″ and a little tough looking; I’m a petite female.He was not happy but he was respectful.I think he was surprised that I asked him but I wasn’t rude.

    Give your neighbor the benefit of the doubt.

  2. Buy the kid a battery operated portable vaporizer to puff out of. Vaporizers can allow him to properly get his blaze on without causing any smoke, and only emitting an oderless vapor. Either that, or offer to bake him some brownies..

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