We want to restore the windows of our 150 year old townhouse. We need someone experienced and detail oriented to do the work. Has anyone out there taken on a project like this and had good results (beautiful as well as energy efficient windows)? Would you share your recommendations? Thanks.

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  1. Are you in a Landmarked District? If so a package needs to be submitted to Landmarks for approval. I’ve done many of these packages, and it’s not too hard but waiting for approval can be frustrating.
    I suggest getting an architect on board to survey, draw up, and prepare Landmarks Documents for approval. After approval, an architect is still recommended to review the window shop drawings from the window company. I know several companies whom I have worked with that do excellent work. Windsor AR, of Queens is my number one choice. Very reasonable and great to work with.
    I would also recommend using double pane, low-e glass. This may increase the thickness of the windows but Landmarks lets that slide if the exterior detailing matches the existing.

  2. I understand that Landmark Restoration Services, on Ocean Avenue, does this work. Capital Restoration advertises on Brownstoner that they do this work, too. I have no personal experience using either of these companies. I am familiar with the work of Honeoye Falls Millwork, but they are upstate. You might also want to check out the book “Working Windows” by Terence Meany.