Just wondering what others think about this… A new glass building just went up across the street from me. Most of the apartments are now occupied. And the fishbowl effect is making me nuts! The first day, I swear the guy in the second floor apartment was walking around in boxer briefs. For god’s sake, it’s the second floor… Standing there, in boxer briefs, unpacking and pointing the remote at the TV and wandering around like a nut. It’s not like it is ten stories up and hardly anyone would notice. It’s a pretty wide street, so anyone walking on the sidewalk across the street or just below can see EVERYTHING. And so far, not a single apartment has window coverings that do anything except… I don’t know… look cute (in someone’s opinion, I suppose). Everyone with curtains so far seems to have gotten sheer white ones and then tied them in knots so they don’t actually provide any privacy. It’s not just the underwear walking; I even can’t stand seeing all of these people sitting on their couches watching TV. Or chatting over coffee. Am I the only one, or does this drive anyone else nuts?? Just because YOU don’t mind if the world sees you going about all your domestic business doesn’t mean that the world should be subjected to it! I feel like I can’t enjoy hanging out in front of the house anymore! I am tempted to spring for bottom up/top down blinds for them all… But seriously, is it just me???

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  1. I agree with the question about why this kind of design in the typical Brooklyn neighborhood. I just don’t get the ceiling to floor full windows for most of these crappy looking condos where the “view” looks out to street level or 1st or 2nd floor. If you are going to need to put up curtains 24-7 then why bother with the big windows? Just one more reason so many of these new places don’t fit in.

  2. bowl of dicks – yeah, some anonymous person, from some particular angle, can see into my apartment. like i said, that’s not what i’m talking about. and i do have window treatments.

    stargazer, denton, dave – i know! but like it said, it’s like bad realty TV. you’re right, I can’t stop looking, no matter how annoyed i am. every time i step out my door, i look, and i’m like, man, this show is so annoying, what’s wrong with these people? but i don’t change the channel right away!

  3. tanner, no where in your OP does it mention that people are unable to see into YOUR windows, or that you have window treatments to block the view. How do you know that they can not see in? Even Jimmy Stewart got caught spying on his neighbor across the yard!

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