Where did it go? We were told it was “Under Construction”

Why does Philly get one and we don’t. Whaaaaaaaa

What's Your Take? Leave a Comment

  1. If the widget returns, Mr. B should articualte the question in a way that we can avoid fighting about what it means.

    What do you think this will sell for? What would you pay for this house? What do you think this house should sell for? These are three very different but more precise ways of asking what you think a house is worth.

  2. I miss being able to post my morning poll. I had some really funny ones.

  3. every user name should be assigned a constantly changing weighting based on their lowball / highball rating potential.

    for example, buyers looking in the market who bid $500K and the brokers who bid $1 mil over ask every time will have zero weighting (after actual sales data is in). those who are consistently closest (dave’s “0” deviation under the bell curve) get the most weighting.

    probably a lot harder to implement than it sounds though.

  4. Mean or Average? If we’re talking about Pete — and I assume we are since it’s his birthday — he’s uber MEAN obviously.

    (And, as usual, I agree with DH)

  5. “but it makes me not trust the motives of mr b anymore.”

    You guys make me laugh. At what point exactly were you “trusting” of his “motives” anyway? Bunch of rubes.

  6. Of course we could always (wo)man up and put our estimates in the comments.

  7. why was it dumb?

    maybe he can replace it with something that is simply if it will sell

    close to

    the asking price????

  8. chill – let mr. b get his hustle on. the widget was dumb anyways.

  9. Oh, I don’t know, maybe it has something to do with the much-vaunted BROWNSTONER MARKETPLACE?