
We just learnt we have a bee hive in our cornice which needs to be removed before we can have the cornice fixed.

Can anyone recommend someone to do this? Any idea of what the cost might be?

Thanks in advance.

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  1. Contact the NYC bee keepers association they will use a pheromone trap and they will be gone. Don’t listen to the other guy. Bees live through the winter. That’s why they make honey… to eat all winter long. They do not hybernate, like wasps.
    They may charge you $200. Some guys will do it for free to get a new colony.

  2. When attempting to perform bee hive removal, it’s important to wear appropriate clothing. Professional bee removers wear light-colored and smooth-textured clothing, and you should too. Bees are aggravated by dark-colors and rough clothing.

  3. I would expect the workers that will be performing your cornice repair to do this. They will already be up there with scaffolds or ladders so it’s would take them about 5 minutes to spray and remove the hive. If they are not willing to do that I would not have great faith in a more complicated project like cornice restoration.

  4. The guys that repair the cornice will remove it unless of course you hire union workers and it’s beyond the scope of the current agreement.

  5. Again, you can be your own exterminator with an aerosol can of carb cleaner. Perfect for spraying in tight spots! The cornice guys should be dealing with the empty nest (and any other debris)trapped inside as part of the repair job.

    Or you can pay an exterminator $$$$ to come over and spray his own chemical. Whatever.

  6. Unfortunately it appears to be built inside some gaps in the cornice so I can’t just knock it off (even if I had the desire to). And the cornice is in sad need of repair which I would like to do before winter.

    bkrules – I just contacted the NYC Beekeepers. thanks for tip.

    Does anyone else have someone (an exterminator with bee experience?) to recommend directly?
