Hello all,

We have mice, our neighbors have CATS… I’m allergic to cats. So we are looking for a reliable exterminator.

Has anyone had any experiences with “Green Earth” or Knock Out” pest control?

Comments regarding either company or any personal experiences for getting rid of MICE, would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Thanks everyone!

    I really appreciate all of the advice and suggestions. We are going with a combination of a Zapper trap in the cellar and peppermint flakes upstairs.

    All the Best,


  2. I have dogs, and dog food out for them all the time, I’ve been using the mechanical traps, which work great.
    I keep it near the dog bowls, and the dogs notify me with great enthusiasm when it has a mouse.
    The worst part is disposing of the mouse, I take the whole trap and drop it in a bucket of water to drown the mouse, and then flush him.
    Haven’t seen a mouse in years, since any colony that comes in is quickly disposed of.

  3. Basically what others have said. A good exterminator will go through and really plug up holes. Maybe have a couple of companies come in and give you an estimate for exactly what they plan to do and go from there. Mice can get through the tiniest of holes, and can quickly chew new holes.

    The Victor mouse zapping traps are great. When we lived in a mouse-laden place, I bought one of those and it was the best trap for dealing with mice that made it in. Put some peanut butter or tomato sauce inside the grate, and leave it off for a few days to get them used to it to catch more. Then once you turn it on, it flashes a light to let you know it killed one. Just flip the lid, dump the mouse and reset it. I think the batteries needed to be changed every 5-7 mice, though to kill them all quickly. It’s also safer than poison or glue traps if you other pets or kids running around.

  4. Haven’t worked with those two exterminators.

    Main thing is to seal up holes on the inside, lay out poison, then seal all holes leading to outside. Try to get a guarantee for a year.

    Anything else doesn’t work — the mice just keep coming.

    Good luck.

  5. we got battery powered mouse traps that essentially electrocute the mice. costs about $25 per trap. Work very well.

    keep in mind with a glue trap you will have to personally kill the mouse yourself.

    steel wool all the openings makes a big difference too

  6. A good exterminator will look to plug the entry points. if there are too many possible entry points, it will be a tough fight.

    Glue traps work best if laid with their protective layer still in place for about 4 days: mice to get used to them.
    After 4 days expose the glue: unsuspecting mice will get trapped.

    When an exterminator is required in one of my buildings, I use Igal 917 478 3541.
    Very honest guy.

    Good luck.