I live in a new construction, very large building. I recently found out there are more than one case of bed bugs in the building. How easily do they really spread? I have the ability to move out of my apartment if I want, do you think it’s worth it? Should I be concerned? Who has the number for Bloomberg’s new Bed Bug Task force??? Thoughts? Pieces of advice?

I know someone recently posted about a moving truck and this topic, but in my case, the bugs are a known quantity, not a possibility.


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  1. I heard that house centerpede eats all bugs including bedbugs.
    I also heard that terrorists spread bedbugs.

  2. We got them from a neighbor on our floor. Best precaution I can recommend is a bedbug proof mattress cover (box spring also). The Diatomaceous earth is also a great precautionary measure.

    Vacuum, vacuum and vacuum some more, baseboards especially.

    Declutter your place, because they will hide in just about anything, including electrical outlets, books, papers, behind headboards, pictures hung on walls, you name it.

    We put everything we owned in air tight plastic bags and storage containers and honestly, we still have many of our things still in plastic. If you do get them, just follow the instructions from the exterminator to the letter. It’s a lot of work, but you have no choice if you want to get rid of these pesky bugs, they are everywhere these days.

  3. for what its worth, bedbugs are driven away by eucalyptus oil. take some normal precautions (like mattress bags) and spread some oil around before bed, and they wont come out.

    However you will smell like a cough drop.

  4. My girlfriend lived in a building on the Lower East Side where a lot of the other apartments were infested. People would move in, then quickly move out and toss all their furniture. She was worried and rightly so. Her bedroom in the rear was affected, though her daughters in the front was not. As soon as she was aware of the neighbors problem, she did all she could with lining the walls with Diatomaceous Earth. and putting everything in the bedroom through the dryer on high heat. She also stopped sleeping in the room for a while and seems to have won the battle.

    I worked for a family who was infested in Tribeca in a fancy loft building. They could afford to move out and have an exterminator do a thorough treatment. They then had me repaint and caulk all the baseboards, and any cracks. The exterminator (who was very good) recommended the caulking to keep from getting re-infected. And I think they are still bed bug free

    I think putting down Diatomaceous earth and caulking around your baseboards would help, and couldn’t hurt. This also helps keep roachs out too. I would recommend getting a good caulk gun and using latex, painters caulk to seal around your baseboards, and any other cracks. I hope this was helpful, and I look forward to seeing other peoples ideas on the matter… Good luck!

  5. also, would appreciate anyone’s experiences about this in their own building and if they had them or got them from a neighbor….