Anyone have a cleaning service they can recommend which can rid an apartment of dog smell? I am trying to assist someone (with limited means) to prevent being evicted from her apartment because of a dog urine smell. Any advise very much appreciated.

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  1. Thanks everyone for all of the suggestions. From what everyone is saying, this can be done on her own and a professional team is not necessary. Not sure of this but certainly worth the effort. Thanks again!

  2. Vinegar takes care of a lot… and its’ own smell dissipates quite fast. Just google ‘cleaning with vinegar’ or something like that.

  3. rh, that is an old costumer’s trick for dealing with a sweaty smell in clothes that can’t stand up to/don’t have time for daily cleanings. It works very well for minor odors – I use it all the time, with a little essential oil for a nice scent – but I would not recommend it for the OP’s situation. Good luck!

  4. I just learned that cheap vodka mixed with water will get the smell out. Use as you would Nature’s Miracle or Fabreeze.

  5. Denton, unfortunately, I do have experience with this! And, OP, cat pee smells 1000x worse and is far more pungent/persistent than dog pee. I did the above and it eradicated the cat pee smells, so I feel confident in saying it will work for your friend’s dog pee problem.

  6. Nature’s Miracle makes an enzyme based cleaner that is specifically made to “digest” dog pee. It breaks it down to the point where even dogs can’t smell it… We used it in small quantities when we were housetraining our puppy, and he had a few accidents. You might need a lot, and leave it soaking for a while. You should be able to get it at any pet store.

  7. Get Arm & Hammer Maximum Odor Control Cat Litter Deoderizer, it’s sold in pet stores. Basically, it’s baking soda with an extra deoderizer in it that works like magic. Sprinkle it on the carpets, leave on for a couple of hours and then vacuum. I swear by it’s ability to remove odors in general. If the carpet is soaked down to the padding with dog pee, then you need to go to Home Depot/Lowe’s/some place similar and for about $20 rent a carpet steam cleaner. If the flooring is a solid surface, mix Mr. Clean citrus scent cleaner in hot water (but don’t dilute too much…you want the fresh orange-y smell to come through) and mop with that. Also take a sponge and dip it in that and wipe down the walls and baseboards. Any furniture should be sprayed with Febreeze Citrus and Light scent. And of course, open all the windows and run a fan.