What’s your opinion on backyard security? We are gutting our kitchen, in the back parlor. There are french doors that lead to the deck — along with an ugly iron gate. The doors will be replaced with a glass/steel patio door. But do we need to keep the iron gate, or will a patio door with glass be secure enough? We live in Park Slope, and no one else seems to have an iron gate……but we have teenagers/tweens who are in and out of the house all day.

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  1. all theives look for the weakest point and go in that way – usually an open window in the summer when its hot when no one is home (lights out in evening)

  2. You mentioned you’re gutting your kitchen. I don’t know if you already hired someone for the job but if you haven’t we would be happy to estimate it. Our contact info is: 914-562-2706 or willianprates68@hotmail.com
    We have recommendations here on the site just search for “junior prates”.


  3. There are telephone and cable guys constantly on my low roof. They leave little scraps of cable and sometimes lunch all around. I’m glad I have an iron gate because the ones I’ve met seem a mixed bag.

  4. For probably a lot less than it would cost to fabricate those iron gates, you can get a hurricane rated door with impact glass. A Miami-Dade certified impact door has to withstand the force of multiple blows from a 2×4 launched at the window at about 50 MPH. It also offers improved soundproofing. Nearly every window/door company makes them.

  5. I put an iron gate on mine years ago when crime was more rampant in the North Slope. I’ve had a screen fitted to it & it’s nice to leave the doors open when a/c isn’t running & you’re away from the house.

  6. I’d say leave the gate. It’s too easy for someone to break glass and enter via a backyard.

    Think about how well you can hear/see your neighbor’s back doors and whether or not your neighbors would likely keep an eye on your property/entryway. Most of the time neighbors will all too easily look the other way, hope for the best and assume a prowler is supposed to be there for whatever reason.

  7. We put a light next to the door with a motion sensor and have an alarm in the house. Most of our neighbors have glass back doors too.

  8. We also have a glass door and a long glass window that overlooks the deck and the backyard. We opted not to go with the iron bars, and instead with an ADT system. I don’t know, I think if thieves/burglars really want to get in, they will. Just better to be when you’re not home.