Does anyone know where I can find information/schedule for auction houses? P.S.Boerumresident I think you might be able to help me with that.
Thank you

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  1. If it’s an auction by the actual sheriff’s office, then I think they are usually in the municipal building. The auction last week for the house on Pacific was supposed to take place on the 9th floor. But maybe giovanna’s right, they take it outdoors if more than two people show up.

    I appreciate your faith in my knowing something, but I have actually never attended an auction in New York so my knowledge is secondhand.

  2. Most dealers that I know of use the Maine Antiques Digest, or M.A.D. The main drawback is that it’s mostly ads, so if an auction house doesn’t take out an ad, they won’t tell you about it and it’s hard to find, but the Park Slope Barnes and Nobles used to carry it. They also have an online site now, but I find it annoying to use.