You work for an engineering firm that files documents very frequently with the Department. Early each
morning you meet with your boss to review the files and supporting documents you’ll submit that day.
One morning, you notice that the photo the engineer is planning to submit isn’t of the property where the
work will take place. When you point this out to him, he says, “It’s the same type of building and the same
type of project, so it doesn’t really matter. I don’t have time to take another picture, and if we don’t file this
today we’ll lose the job.” Since your boss has signed and sealed the document – not you – you submit it
with the inaccurate photo. Are you allowed to do this?


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  1. Practically every document filed with a government anywhere in the world is tantamount to giving evidence in court. My feeling is that the building code probably has a clause that says something like knowingly submitting a false document is the same as perjury. Everyone whose hands have been on it could get hit with a penalty.

  2. your boss will go to jail in 5 years, and you will be implicated as assisting a fraud…kind of like the asbestos inspector who lied about hundreds of jobs and was busted recently… enjoy your jail time

  3. do you lose your house because you lost your job because you messed up the job? do your kids lose all their friends because you had to move to east new york from brownstone brooklyn, and then does your spouse then leave you because you are a loser, and then do you start playing russian roulette with a gun you found in the street? do you start dabbling in arson, gambling, and prostitution, then drink a bottle of drano?

    since we’re just talking hypothetical….

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