Is a bosun’s chair still legal in NYC? We need to put a fresh air vent to the roof in an internal courtyard, which would take a day or two with a bosun’s chair. Contractor is insisting on a full blown scaffolding. Is he high?

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  1. according to my brother who owns a window cleaning company: Anything over 75′ in height needs DOB approval. other than that, you should be ok.

  2. I am not sure, but I saw a guy using one to clean windows on Eastern Parkway the other day. I was kind of amazed to see someone using one-


  3. So SteamMan, except for the fact that Modsquad the Cruel wants to force a lowly worker into a medieval bosun’s chair the construction industry is without inherent danger?
    I’d sooner be in a bosun’s chair than the Space Shuttle. That has a 50% probability of failure.

  4. Modsquad,

    You could just keep looking for a contractor who will let you dictate how he works, or pay for a legit company that cares about their employees and your property enough to work safely.


  5. I just saw a company using one to install a cell phone antenna in the SSlope a few months ago. Doesn’t answer your ? as to whether it’s legal.