I not too long ago returned home from a shopping trip at Atlantic Center. My Target browsing was cut short by a HUGE group of angry, shouting, cursing, teen boys. I sensed a melee brewing, so I got the hell out of the store. To my dismay, the teens followed right behind me. The group began to disperse on the escalators, but quickly reconvened on the main level. More shouting and cursing, including threats of violence continued. Myself and another woman split up to find some type of security or random police officer who may have happened to be in there. Approximately 5 minutes later, we bumped into each other again, neither of us having found anyone of authority to diffuse the situation. I figured I did my best and decided to just go home. As I stepped out onto the Flatbush Avenue exit, the groups of teens began running towards each other hurling insults and threats of imminent bodily harm. I damn near had to toss myself into oncoming traffic to avoid the ensuing melee.

Does Atlantic Center have no security officers? Do the police not patrol this place? Who the hell knew that Target could be such an anger inducing place in the early evening? (All of this happened around 4:45-5:00pm)

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  1. is violence a class issue?

    i don’t know, but…

    cumulative tally of drive by shootings in past 12 months
    Bed Stuy, NY : 3
    Beverly Hills, CA : 0

  2. Dont waste time looking for security guards. they arent paid enough AND they have extremely limited power (basically verbal), and they know it. While they could detain someone, they arent about to risk getting jumped by 15-30 kids. Your best bet would be to join the kids and run through the mall. It must be invigorating! Normally you’d have to wait behind some idiot sluggishly pushing their cart.

  3. Where’s the What when we need him?

    He’s gonna say ‘I told you so, the kids is rising up’.

    Is this what a Tea Party gathering might look like?

  4. didnt read this whole thread, but i think there’s almost always a traffic cop at atlantic and 6th ave. who could call a beat officer. good if you want to get away first and get help second! also, i think the times near PD shift change (4pm) can be difficult – not that that’s a good excuse for the lack of presence…

  5. It has been my experience that the actual Target store (not the mall itself) has a uniformed NYC police officer stationed in the front area where the store opens into the mall. I don’t really know what the function of that officer is, as I have never seen him do anything except stand there.

    Regarding the mall security, they are much more concerned with incidents like soundfreak alluded to, things like taking photos, or in my case, when I attempted to leave my personal shopping cart (the folding grandma kind) chained to the trash receptacle outside of DSW so I wouldn’t have to bring it in with me. I was told that I was in violation of one of the myriad rules of the Mall, which sadly do not cover profanity, shoving and running in the Mall.

    You could also try filing a complaint at the security office, which is hidden over on the Hanson Place side of the mall.

  6. You shouldn’t sanitize reality just to not offend your delicate ears gatesave. Rob was right, and this level of violence/intimidation does NOT exist in every neighborhood, class, race. Chinatown is poor, Williamsburg Hasidic community is poor, but I’ve never been threatened walking by a big group of teens hanging out in those areas. Ignore the problems at your own peril.

  7. Some of the “elite” MS 51 used to go to Target and play store tag. Not threatening, just obnoxious. Oddly enough though, security did appear and asked them to leave. One of my kids who was there with a friend were wandering around killing time between a 1/2 day and conference was asked to leave by security because no one under 18 is allowed in the mall without an adult or so they were told. Sounds like security is selective or more likely intimidated which doesn’t bode well.

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