For homeowner’s insurance with a $2500 deductible for an owner occupied masonry 3 family away from flood zone? (Central Bed Stuy.) Hopefully closing next week. thanks!

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  1. Brownstone will be cheaper and should be able to provide you with affordable and adequate coverage in regard to replacement. It sounds like you will be underinsured at $350,000. I am a broker. If you ae interested, feel fre to call me. We represent Brownstone as well as many other companies.

    William Smoltino
    Narrows Insurance Agency, Inc.

  2. Sounds high to me. But a lot depends on what your risk tolerance is. I’ve always heard that most Brooklyn home owners don’t insure for full replacement value because the premiums for that level of coverage are just too expensive. We pay $3,700 for a 3-year contract with the Brownstone Agency. Our house is 3 1/2 floors, approx 3,200 sq ft.

  3. just going through this now… It depends on how much coverage you are getting. I got a quote of roughly $2000 a year for $350K of coverage on my place (not even close to replacement value, of course). You should check Brownstone Agency if you haven’t (no affiliation). That’s where my broker found the best deal, and I’ll probably end up getting mine. I was also told that in some cases (not Brownstone Agency), you get a lower rate if you have auto insurance through them as well. Didn’t help me with Allstate, who just dumped us despite our having auto insurance there also. Broker said Tower is the worst.