Does anyone know if it’s possible to convert a brownstone facade into a limestone facade? Is it something landmarks controls? If it’s a go, how expen$$$ive a task is this? Thanks!

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  1. Assuming you are in a landmarked district. Unless you can prove that the original exterior material was limestone your odds of getting approval for the switch from brownstone to limestone are extremely low. If you need help in exploring this issue let me know.

  2. “Does anyone know if it’s possible to convert a brownstone facade into a limestone facade?”

    Yes, it can be done. The brownstone facade is just that….a facade. Just like limestone is. It’s applied to the masonry structure of the house.
    They will take off the brownstone and apply limestone. I’m not sure of the weight difference between the two stones, but I think limestone is heavier than brownstone. Sometimes an existing structure may not be structurally strong enough to support limestone. Limestone is not something that gets troweled on. It’s a stone, it gets anchored to the structure with ‘clips’ that are bolted to the masonry.

    If your townhouse is landmarked, and it was originally designed as a brownstone. Kiss the idea of limestone goodbye.

  3. the cost will depend on the surface area; limestone is not a cheap material. Including engineering, filing, and construction services you are looking $120/SF at a minimum.

    Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) approval is necessary only for historic districts.

    This is the map for Dumbo:

    If so, they will most likely disapprove such application.

    But why replace brownstone with limestone? There are better options with brownstone (i.e. patching w/LPC approved mortars, dutchman repairs)

  4. A good mason should be able to restore it in either color. Landmarks “might” allow you to change it, if you are surrounded by Limestones.But, I have my doubts.
    Give it a try, you never know.