As a boiler ignoramus, i don’t know if this is a problem or not: this morning there is a small amount of water coming from a pipe that runs down from the top of the boiler nearly to the floor and is not capped. The floor was wet so i put a bucket to catch the water, but is this a problem that needs to be fixed or a normal adjustment that the boiler is making? the pipe doesn’t lead to anything, so it looks like it’s meant to be an exhaust of some sort. PS, our radiators are hot water, not steam.

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  1. Generally, open ended pipes in the boiler room serve one of three devices:
    1. Pressure relief valve.
    Activates (opens) in the presence of excessive pressure buildup in the boiler/system.
    2. Backflow preventer
    During a problem, it spills water out to prevent dirty boiler water from re-entering the fresh water system.
    3. Air vent
    Air vents do tend to leak water over time. An open-ended pipe will direct the water away from where it may be objectionable.


  2. Definitely need to see a pic. Although at first it sounds like this is your pressure relief valve. I can certainly give you a better idea of what is happening if I know what the pipe is you are describing, but there are lots of pipes that can run above a boiler…..

    -Steam Man