Got another absurd Sanitation ticket, but this one was written at 5:30AM! I vaguely recall that there were limited hours when the Sanitation gestapo are allowed to ticket buildings but have been unable to find the hours. Does anyone have a link to or know the schedule? Thanks.

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  1. (by the way, I don’t produce a lot of garbage… so I put out recycling only about once a month. So there are many recycling pick-up days where it’s just my landlord’s garbage bags…)

  2. I sometimes throw away “designated” recyclables… not often, but I do. And my landlord (old fart downstairs) NEVER recycles anything. I’m the only one that puts out recycling in my house.

    We’ve never gotten a sanitation ticket.

    Honestly, I didn’t know recycling was “mandatory” in NYC, just suggested/encouraged. Is it really required?

    btw, I’m all for it, just surprised.

  3. newsouthsloper…yes, and the Japanese line up to travel down one side of the escalator to allow for others to walk by them. They also don’t push onto the subway before passengers have exited.

  4. Unfortunately the system is set-up so that people who’s very jobs are dependent on us breaking the rules (Sanitation Police) means that there is an inherent conflict of interest in finding violations.

    When I was in Japan I witnessed their system which seemed highly efficient. Basically, each block had a designated person on recycle day whose job it was to accumulate the recyclables at central point on the block. Everyone would bring their recyclables to that spot it a certain time frame and they would sort out any mixing issues right there on the spot. The designated person would rotate each week and it was job of the residents to volunteer to do it each week. In all maybe you ended up doing 1X or 2X per year depending on how many people were on the block.

    I liked that system because there was no fines, bogus violations, etc.

  5. my garbage is on a corner :(, so alot of passer bys would use it.

    blah they would throw garbage into the recycles all the time. try to weed out the regular stuff. but sometimes it gets through!!