We just uncovered plywood that used in hallway today to find that underneath, part of subfloor consists of old pine planks and part (approx 7×5 ft) is plywood. We would like to sand and finish the planks, as we’ve done elsewhere in the house. However where do you find old pine planks? Does anyone have any they would like to get rid of (or sell)….Is it possible to use new pine planks and refinish them. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks !

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  1. Moon River Chattel in Williamsburg sells old reclaimed remilled flooring in a wide variety of wood types and is sure to have something that matches what you’re looking for. Most of it is $11 for either a foot or yard, I forget, and I think the width varies. They have samples at the store. (It’s a home store and also a salvage yard.)

  2. Thank you Homey for your generous offer. Unfort this must be done in next 2 weeks as Father in Law is in town for visit and is around to supervise the work at home, while husband and I are working. I have emailed RAR as RAR’s planks are currently available. If it does not work out for some reason, Homey can you send yr contact details at crownheights2007@gmail.com. Thank you both !

  3. Hey
    We can help!

    We took up two floors of original pine boards (well actually one, the ones on the bottom floor were beyond re-use) to have the material to patch the other two floors, and have some leftovers. We’d be happy to let them go quite cheaply, knowing they’ll go to restoring another house. You should know that they will need serious sanding–they’ve had some wear and tear, but we’re planning on doing it and I do think they’ll look great in the end. Also, if you’re in crown heights, aren’t your subfloors narrower heartpine boards (just judging from a friend’s house…)? Ours are the typical 4ish inches wide, yellow pine. Shoot me an email if I’m wrong in my guesswork and you want to take me up on the offer.

    raisarex AT gmail.com

  4. Are you in a big hurry? We have to pull up our current wide pine flooring (it is unfinished) to put in some sound-proofing. We plan to do this the 3rd week in March. Some of it will get damaged, but as there is over 600 square feet, I am sure we will have enough for you left over (no charge). It has been stained in our other floors to look old. You can come and see it if you like.